Made by Members: Marc P. Bernegger
As co-founder of Maximon, Marc P. Bernegger takes a look at the future of aging. The company’s goal is to reduce the negative effects of aging so happy and healthy longevity is possible.

Marc P. Bernegger caught the entrepreneurial bug right after high school by building the party platform He is a successful multi-founder, tech entrepreneur and co-founder of Maximon, a company builder that builds and finances companies in the longevity sector.
How did the idea for Maximon come about?
Basically, longevity is a topic that has occupied me privately for quite some time – i.e., for more than 10 years. Over the past few years, I have noticed that the topic has become more and more tangible and that there are also concrete business opportunities. That’s why I decided, together with my partners, to create our longevity company builder, Maximon.
What can each person do for their longevity?
Fasting is possible for anyone and everyone and has proven positive effects on our health. The rest periods give the body time to regenerate and set its self-healing processes in motion.
Does Maximon want to cheat death?
Maximon wants to eradicate a lot of suffering and worries that people experience in old age. Avoiding death is not our primary goal, but we would like to avoid a long period of illness in old age.
How is the Maximon team made up?
We started with Maximon just a few months ago and already have a team of at least a dozen people now. Some have also moved to Switzerland from abroad just to work for Maximon. Personally, I find it very exciting that we have been able to attract many leading researchers and professors to our mission.
What is your vision for Maximon?
With Maximon, we aim to become a global leader in longevity and healthy aging, launching several companies dedicated to these topics each year. It is also our goal to attract leading scientists in this field to our mission.
What learning could you draw from the coronavirus pandemic?
One of the biggest lessons I learned was that digitization has already changed our lives much more massively than previously thought – and in my eyes, for the better in many areas.
What do you hope for in the future?
I hope that people will become more aware of how many positive elements there are in technological development, and that we can solve many of today’s problems through technology and take advantage of new opportunities that arise as a result.
Is the market ready for investors now or is this still a vision of the future?
The longevity market is still young and therefore offers great investment opportunities. Only a few longevity companies are active at the moment and it is primarily private investors who are interested in this area. However, increased longevity will rapidly become a key issue – for institutional investors too.
And how do you plan to use the Platinum Card in future?
For me, the Platinum Card means freedom, independence and being able to meet my payment obligations anywhere in the world.