American Express Business Travel Account
The American Express Business Travel Account (BTA) is a virtual corporate credit card with which you charge your company’s travel expenses through a central account at your business travel agency. All invoices are consolidated into one detailed account statement for simpler and more efficient monitoring. Thanks to electronic account statements with the total travel expenses for all your employees you achieve more efficient handling processes and massive cost savings as a result.

American Express Business Travel Account advantages
American Express Business Travel Account benefits
Digital Services
Digital Services
American Express® Business Travel Account (BTA) Online
easier checking and management thanks to electronic statement
You can activate BTA Online as a new client but also as an existing customer. All you have to do for this is select the relevant fields on the power of attorney form under "II – INFORMATION REGARDING ACCOUNTING" as well as under "III – ADD NEW POWERS OF ATTORNEY / AMEND/CANCEL EXISTING POWERS OF ATTORNEY" and fill them in accordingly.By activating BTA Online, the authorized people defined by you on the power of attorney form, who are defined as BTA Online administrators, can view and manage the monthly statements under the respective basic account and completely do without any paper statements. We recommend nominating at least two BTA Online administrators to guarantee that the monthly statements are checked and paid on time in the event of absences.
American Express @Work
With the free American Express @Work, you enjoy worldwide access to all card transactions in a secure, password-protected environment and receive a comprehensive summary of your company’s Business Travel Account data. Updated queries and transactions are important cornerstones of an effective management information system.
Data Services
Data Services
Billing Support Files
Billing Support Files are adapted technically so that they can be integrated into your accounting system. They provide much more information compared to simple paper statements. The amount of information required is defined and provided accordingly after assessment by the client. Thus meeting the requirements to electronically process all statements. Please arrange a consultancy appointment if you are interested in this solution.
The American Express Business Travel Account features a comprehensive insurance package to enable you to travel and shop without worries. Simply pay using your American Express Business Travel Account and you are well covered.
- Transport Accident Insurance
- Search, rescue, and recovery costs
- Luggage Insurance
- Travel information and advances
Liability Waiver – Fraudulent Card Use Insurance for companies
Corporate cards are a modern and secure means of payment. There are plenty of reasons to furnish your employees with a corporate card: Besides the many practical advantages, you also show that you appreciate and trust your employees by providing them with a corporate card. If this trust should be abused, then we are there for you and you benefit from the protection of the inclusive “Liability Waiver”, the Fraudulent Card Use Insurance for business clients.
Please refer to the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance (GCI) for the Liability Waiver to obtain all the details regarding the valid conditions of insurance for the Liability Waiver and insurance benefits (including sums insured and exclusions of liability).
Please refer to the General Terms and Conditions of Insurance for the American Express Business Travel Account to obtain the exact provisions (including sums insured and exclusions of liability).