Zürcher Verkehrsverbund
Switzerland’s largest public transport association brings 30 large and small public transport companies in the greater Zurich area together into one efficient system.

The father of the Zurich S-Bahn
Does the name Hans Künzi mean anything to you? He was a professor at the ETH and the University of Zurich, completed research as a Big Data pioneer, wrote textbooks – and shaped Zurich like nobody else as a city councilor in the 1980s and 1990s. As the “father of the Zurich S-Bahn”, he founded Switzerland’s first public transport association in 1990. Since then, the ZVV has coordinated public transport in the greater Zurich area, allowing travelers to get from A(dliswil) to B(ubikon) quickly and conveniently by tram, bus, boat and train.
The backbone of mobility
Your public transport journeys are particularly convenient if you use the check-in ticket on the ZVV app: Instead of checking the zones and buying tickets one at a time, just check in as you board and check out as you exit. And you can store your American Express Card as a means of payment with a few clicks. If you have a subscription – such as a Half Fare Travelcard – the ZVV will, of course, only charge you the outstanding amount. By the way, the app doesn’t just work in Zurich and the surrounding area, but throughout Switzerland. Take advantage of the various and climate-friendly transport options, and discover exciting leisure tips on the ZVV website.