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«Salzano», Interlaken

Experience perfectly prepared, natural cuisine with outstanding product quality.


Personally run hotel with upscale cuisine

It is to the Salzano family's credit that there is room for exceptional, sophisticated cuisine in their friendly, personally managed hotel. Chef Jan-Philipp Wesemann has the challenging task of designing a “natural experience cuisine” alongside the half-board and à la carte business. The effort involved is impressively high, each course is elaborately presented and the choice of regional ingredients is made with great care.

Gently cooked beef breast with potato millefeuille

Wesemann came to Interlaken with excellent references, having previously been sous-chef at Rico Zandonella in Küsnacht ZH. His current cuisine is quite unique, serving dishes such as goat's cheese mousse with white wine jelly, Alpine zander with red cabbage espuma or gently cooked beef breast with potato millefeuille.

More Dining Moments

«In Lain», Brail

Dario Cadonau runs three restaurants with around ten chefs: a fondue parlor, the gourmet restaurant Vivanda (17 points) and La Stüvetta (14 points).


«Da Enzo», Ponte Brolla

Among other things, you can currently enjoy spring-green ravioletti filled with formagella, ricotta, herbs and morels at “Da Enzo”. Off to warm Ticino!